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700 Years old Kalari

Kalaripayattu is the oldest form of martial arts, it is also known as the mother of all existed martial arts.  It is practiced in southern parts of India especially Kerala and Tamil Nadu.  It teaches even treatment, so it is also known to the complete martial arts

Kusthi (Indian Wrestling)

Malla Yudha is the oldest form of modern wrestling, there are several variations are practiced in different regions of India. This is practiced in mud also known as mud wrestling.  It is also mentioned in Mahabharata, the premier character, Bhima was considered to the champion of champions of that time.  Later during the rule of Mugal the art was mixed with Mangolian wresting and some other Asian wresting  were incorporated with malla-yudha and people started called it Pehlwani. 

Hanuman Dand

Hanuman Dand is a traditional Indian Exercise used in wrestling (kushti). This is a variation of Dand (Indian push-up) that includes the Stretching of your legs. This is a push-up that helps in boosting your stamina, strength, Mobility, flexibility, and explosiveness.

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